Magnetic Powder Brake Training System
Three phase induction machine coupled with magnetic powder brake and high resolution rotary encoder
Technical Specifications :
Powder coated Sturdy aluminums Flat panel system carrying various high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures to minimize shock possibility with following Panels.
Input 3 Phase DOL Starter Panel
4 pole MCB of 415 V/1A .
DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A – 2.3A .
3 Phase Multifunction 3 Phase Meter
Connection: 3Phase ¾ wire Volts Input : 400V/230VAC
Aux. supply : 230VAC, 45-65Hz,5W Display : LCD Display
CT Input : 5A, 0.1 VA/Ph.
Measurement : V, I, Hz, Pf, KVA, KW, KWh Termination : SBS5 Terminal
FWD/REV, Star-Delta Starter Panel
FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF,6A/440V.
FWD-OFF-REV Switch Panel
FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440v
DC Voltmeter & DC Ammeter Panel
a) DC voltmeter(0-10V) b) DC Ammeter (0-2A) with polarity protection diode c) 2A circuit breaker
Magnetic Powder Brake Specification:
Power Supply For Magnetic Powder Brake
The panel should consist of variable power supply 0-24VDC/1A. It should also have 1 potentiometer to vary voltage from 0-24VDC.
Instrumentation Power Supply cum Multichannel Digital Panel Meter Panel.
(a) +/-12 V ,500 mA (b) +5V ,300mA (c) Unregulated 17V dc/750 mA (d) line synchronizing signal (e) 12V / 3 Amp. (f) Multi channel digital display of torque, speed measurement etc
SCR Actuator (variable DC) cum Sensor Signal conditioning Panel Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 3 Amp cosine firing with linear characteristics.
Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg wt to output 0-2.5Vdc (FS).
Trunion Mounted Magnetic Powder Brake Unit coupled with 3 Phase 1.5kW Induction Motor with high resolution rotary encoder should be provided
- Magnetic powder brake unit should be trunion mounted. Provision to mount load cells on either side. Torque capacity 15 N-m.
- It should have water cooling arrangement.
ii)3 Phase 1.1kW/1500 rpm motor foot mounted & should be mounted on chasis for the testing of motor.
List of Experiments should be covered :
- Speed torque characteristic of 3-Phase Induction Motor
- To find Efficiency of 3-phase Induction motor.