magnetic powder brake setup




Magnetic Powder Brake Training System

Three phase induction machine coupled with magnetic powder brake and high resolution rotary encoder

Technical Specifications :

Powder coated Sturdy aluminums Flat panel system carrying various  high voltage components housed in plastic enclosures to minimize shock possibility with following Panels.

Input 3 Phase DOL Starter Panel

4 pole MCB of 415 V/1A .

DOL 9A Contactor with 230V / 50 Hz / 11VA COIL . Bimetallic thermal O/L relay with range 1.4A – 2.3A .

3 Phase Multifunction 3 Phase Meter

Connection: 3Phase ¾ wire Volts Input : 400V/230VAC

Aux. supply : 230VAC, 45-65Hz,5W Display : LCD Display

CT Input : 5A, 0.1 VA/Ph.

Measurement : V, I, Hz, Pf, KVA, KW, KWh Termination : SBS5 Terminal

FWD/REV, Star-Delta Starter Panel

FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF,6A/440V.

FWD-OFF-REV Switch Panel

FWD/REV, 3 pole 3 way switch with centre OFF, 6A/440v

DC Voltmeter & DC Ammeter Panel

a) DC voltmeter(0-10V) b) DC Ammeter (0-2A) with polarity protection  diode c) 2A circuit breaker

Magnetic Powder Brake Specification:

Power Supply For Magnetic Powder Brake

The panel should consist of variable power supply 0-24VDC/1A. It should also have 1 potentiometer to vary voltage from 0-24VDC.

Instrumentation               Power          Supply           cum         Multichannel                  Digital                                         Panel Meter Panel.

(a) +/-12 V ,500 mA (b) +5V ,300mA (c) Unregulated 17V dc/750 mA (d) line synchronizing signal (e) 12V / 3 Amp. (f) Multi channel digital  display of torque, speed measurement etc

SCR Actuator (variable DC) cum Sensor Signal conditioning Panel Full bridge SCR based 0V-195V / 3 Amp cosine firing with linear characteristics.

Supports signal conditioning circuit for speed, torque in kg wt to output 0-2.5Vdc (FS).

Trunion Mounted Magnetic Powder Brake Unit coupled with 3 Phase 1.5kW Induction Motor with high resolution rotary encoder should be provided

  1. Magnetic powder brake unit should be trunion mounted. Provision to mount load cells on either side. Torque capacity 15 N-m.
  1. It should have water cooling arrangement.

ii)3 Phase 1.1kW/1500 rpm motor foot mounted & should be mounted  on chasis for the testing of motor.

List of Experiments should be covered :

  1. Speed torque characteristic of 3-Phase Induction Motor
  2. To find Efficiency of 3-phase Induction motor.

Note: Supporting documents/manuals of the setup should be provided for performing the mentioned experiments

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