For the measurement of the resistance to plastic flow of cylindrical specimens of bituminous pouring mixture loaded on the lateral surface. This is for use with hot mixture containing asphalt or tar and aggregate up to 25 mm maximum size, the equipment comprises the following:
Three specimen moulds (cylindrical 100mm dia.,) Three base plates.
Three collars 100 mm dia., two compaction hammers, 10 Ibs. Weight, with 45 cm drop.
One specimen extractor, One compaction pedestal complete with specimen holder, One breaking head assembly, complete with dial micrometer and bracket for flow measurement . One load transfer bar . One loading unit, motorized with travel of 50mm/min and fitted w3ith motor, reversing switch and limit switcher to restrict the travel fitted with hand wheel for finer adjustment to bring the proving in contact with breaking head assembly, capable of application of load upto 5000kg. Suitable for operation from main supply of 230 volts, 50 cycles, Single phase, A.C.