A surface plate is a solid, flat plate used as the main horizontal reference plane for precision inspection, marking out (layout), and tooling setup. The surface plate is often used as the baseline for all measurements to a work piece.
Surface plates are a very common tool in the manufacturing industry and are often permanently attached to robotic-type inspection devices such as a coordinate-measuring machine. Plates are typically square or rectangular
Cast Iron Surface Plates provide a precision reference for spotting, tool making, inspection of parts, checking accuracy of other surfaces and for many types of gauging and marking out operations.
- Stable, ultra flat surface
- Flat to .00005
- Moisture and corrosion free
- Easy to clean
- Made generally as per IS-2285-2003
- Made from good quality close grained high duty Cast Iron, Castings conforming to Grade FG-220 of IS-210, duly stress relieved
- Small Surface Plates up to 630 x 630 mm provided with Mild. Steel handles for lifting, larger Surface Plates without handles but provided with cored holes in periphery for lifting mechanically.
- Top surface offered with hand-scrapped finish.
- Rexine cover provided for top working surface and edges.